Navitas Professional Services - Improvement to WHS


Work health and safety
sometimes called occupational health and safety (OH&S) – involves the management of risks to the health and safety of everyone in your workplace. This includes the health and safety of anyone who does work for you as well as your customers, visitors and suppliers.

WHS helps to,

  • keep the staff safe and healthy.
  • improve the productivity of the staff
  • reduce the inevitable injuries and illnesses in the workplace
  • reduce the cost of injury and workers' compensation.
  • ensure you meet your legal obligations and employee responsibilities.

How to implement WHS in the workplace?

As a business owner, you have legal responsibilities to implement health and safety practices in your workplace as soon as you start your business. You need to ensure that your business doesn't create health and safety problems for your employees, contractors, volunteers, visitors, customers, or the public. In the journey to making the workplace safe, both management and staff have an important role to play

What does management must do

  • provide a safe work environment
  • provide and maintain safe machinery and structures
  • provide safe ways of working
  • ensure safe use, handling, and storage of machinery, structures, and substances
  • provide and maintain adequate facilities
  • provide any information, training, instruction or supervision needed for safety
  • monitor the health of workers and conditions at the workplace.

what does staff must do

  • take care of their own health and safety
  • take care not to do anything that could hurt others
  • follow WHS instructions
  • follow the workplace’s WHS policies and procedures.

How to promote workplace safety 

  • Conduct a thorough workplace risk assessment.
  • Thoroughly investigate all incidents and near misses, and examine the root cause.
  • Communicate all changes in equipment and work processes to workers.
  • Encourage workers to report health and safety concerns.
  • Respond promptly to all health and safety issues you become aware of.
  • Measure and support any changes required.
  • Implement positive changes in values and attitudes towards workplace health and safety.
  • Develop a safety leadership culture at all levels of the business and ensure all leaders of the business uphold the principles of a positive safety culture.
  • Make health and safety of primary importance when inducting new workers into the workplace, e.g. include the health and safety policy in induction material.
  • Make health and safety part of all workplace communications.
  • Install a safety noticeboard to clearly communicate the latest safety information.
  • Promote and attend safety training sessions.

